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Dental treatments Comprehensive estimate

In order to obtain a comprehensive estimate please contact us online. We will put you in contact with a knowledgeable assistant so that you may schedule an initial consultation. At the initial consultation you will receive an estimate. For this consultation you will have to bring a panoramic x-ray made in the last 6 months.

If there is no opportunity for you to travel for a consultation to one of our partners you may have your choice: to send us your estimate made by your local dentist or a panoramic x-ray. In the case of a panoramic x-ray we will make an estimate for you.
For more accuracy send us a recent panoramic x-ray and an estimate too.
As for financial arrangements no payment is asked in advance; payment is expected as the dental treatments go.

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The advantages of a proximity service at best tariffs currently in Europe.

Intervention in Romania by a French specialist in implantology

Consultation and follow-up ensured by the same specialist in his cabinet in France

Implant +ceramic crown from Euro 800

Ceramic crown from Euro 150

Up till 90% saving

All the prices here

3D virtual visit
