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Dental treatments Agreement of quality

The quality of dental treatments and safety of our patients represent our highest priority. Thus we created an approach of transparence and quality unique in the world of dental tourism, named agreement of quality.

  • check up before and after through oral camera for all dental treatments;
  • for the root canal treatments different pictures are taken with the microscope. Pictures are at our patient’s disposal. We want to guarantee you the complete transparence of our dental services. Endodontic treatments have a particular importance knowing that in 95% the loss of a tooth is caused by a wrong root canal treatment.

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The advantages of a proximity service at best tariffs currently in Europe.

Intervention in Romania by a French specialist in implantology

Consultation and follow-up ensured by the same specialist in his cabinet in France

Implant +ceramic crown from Euro 800

Ceramic crown from Euro 150

Up till 90% saving

All the prices here

3D virtual visit
